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Acupuncture for Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts can occur because of stagnation in the Liver Qi, caused by excessive dampness. Excessive dampness is caused by blood stasis and fluids accumulated in the abdomen which slowly becomes phlegm. Accumulation of phlegm and fluids in the lower body is a problem of the Kidney Yang, i.e. a failure of the Kidney to send the water upward. When the water stays in the lower body, then it transforms into phlegm. Therefore, the Kidney fails to support the Liver. The main function of the Liver and Kidney meridians is to remove the toxins from the body. If this function is weakened, then the immune system can be disturbed, and abnormal immune reactions may be triggered by the growth of abnormal tissue in the female reproductive organs. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, if there is no good and free blood circulation in the body, blood stagnation can occur and lead to disease.

When the cysts are formed because of accumulated water and fluids, the three principal methods of treatments are:


Acupuncture for male infertility

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, infertility in male patients is a problem of Liver Qi stagnation, Kidney deficiency and accumulation of dampness and heat in the lower abdomen. The treatment aims to remove the liver toxins, dissolve blood stagnations in the liver, nourish the Kidney Qi, invigorate the Blood, lower stress and stimulate the whole body to function better. Acupuncture improves the sperm quality and balances the endocrine system and hormones.

Acupuncture for woman infertility

Acupuncture improves the function of the ovaries to produce better quality eggs, regulate the hormones to produce a larger number of follicles, regulates the menstrual cycle.

A number of previous studies have demonstrated that acupuncture does influence the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Proper balance of both branches of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system is crucial for optimal functioning of reproductive organs, blood flow circulation, hormone balance, immune system, and regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Acupuncture has been reported to promote the circulation of blood in the pelvic cavity and to improve ovarian function (Cheng et al. 2000). Research indicates that increased blood flow to the uterus helps the development of follicles, the implantation of the embryo and increases the thickness of the uterine lining.

Acupuncture has been shown to regulate the hormone levels by moderating the release of the beta-endorphin levels in the brain, which improves the releasing hormone by the hypothalamus, follicle stimulating hormone from the pituitary gland, and reproductive hormone levels from the ovary.

Acupuncture has been speculated to moderate cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin levels in the uterus, reducing uterine motility to improve implantation rates.

Relax the patient and reduce their stress — Many patients using IVF drugs experience side effects and high levels of stress associated with trying to get pregnant. Acupuncture treatments is extremely helpful in reducing stress and alleviating side effects, which helps the patient relax and be more at ease. Stress hormones such as catecholamines (adrenalin, noradrenalin, and dopamine) and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis interact with hormones which are responsible for normal ovulatory cycles. Furthermore, some hormones that are released during times of stress can cause the uterus to contract and negatively interact with immune cells, both of which will interfere with proper implantation (Gallinelli et al. 2001; Sher et al. 1998).

Lessen the side effects of drugs used in IVF — Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help the ovaries respond better to the stimulating drugs by producing more follicles and good equality eggs.

Improve semen to create better quality and quantity of embryos — Sperm maturation is a process taking between 70-90 days. It is important for male patients to prepare for IVF during this period. It is beneficial that the male receive acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for at least three months prior to starting the IVF procedure. A recent trial published in Fertility and Sterility has shown how effective acupuncture can be in the treatment of infertility, leading to significant increases in the number of normal sperm and significant reductions in structural defects at the same time. Also, Chinese herbal medicine can help male patients improve the quality and quantity of sperm and the semen, too. In doing so, the health of the embryo improves and assists more secure implantation.

Strengthen the immune system and decrease chances of miscarriage — Approximately half of chemical pregnancies result in miscarriage. Therefore, one of the key treatment strategies is to strengthen the patient’s immune system through Acupuncture and Chinese herbs. Once the embryo has been fertilized and implanted into the uterus, it is extremely important to prevent miscarriage with IVF patients. Female patients that are 40 years old or older, experience a miscarriage rate of nearly 50 % with IVF alone. However, with the help of Chinese medicine, the rate of miscarriage can be significantly reduced and the pregnancy can be supported to reach full term.

While some patients respond to acupuncture quickly, acupuncture does not work overnight. Most patients require a series of ongoing treatments over one month to a year. The recommended treatment schedule is based upon consideration of a variety of factors in each individual case. In many cases, we recommend that the patient start acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment at least 3-6 months prior to the commencement of the IVF cycle and the patient continue 2 times a week until the day of the transfer. 

Acupuncture has numerous potential fertility-boosting benefits according to New York Weill Cornell physician-scientists

New York, NY(April 29, 2003)–physician-scientists at the center for reproductive medicine and infertility at New York Weill Cornell medical center call for a definitive study of acupuncture as a fertility treatment, citing its numerous, promising benefits associated with increasing fertility in women.

An article in a recent issue of Fertility and Sterility–co-authored by Dr. Zev Rosenwaks, Dr. Pak H. Chung, and Dr. Raymond Chang of Weill Cornell–provides a summary of current research that supports acupunctures potential benefits for fertility treatment, including the stimulation of increased uterine blood flow and fertility hormones.

“Acupuncture, which is nontoxic and relatively affordable, holds much promise as a complementary or alternative fertility treatment,” said Dr. Raymond Chang of New York Weill Cornell Medical Center. “Yet, while there are a great number of biological explanations for acupuncture benefits to fertility, as well as significant anecdotal evidence, there has yet to be a definitive clinical study,” added Dr. Rosenwaks, Director of CRMI.
“One of the biggest obstacles to any study of acupuncture is a single standard of care,” said Dr. Pak H. Chung of New York Weill Cornell Medical Center. “Only appropriate training and certification of acupuncture practitioners by state agencies can facilitate the integration of acupuncture into the treatment of female infertility, and health care in general.”  

The lead review article reports that acupuncture treatment has the following potential fertility-boosting benefits:

Acupuncture for Digestive Disorders

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